Austin is serving a LDS Mission in the Chile Concepcion South Mission! Letters and pictures and updates will be displayed here on this blog for family and friends!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Over the Hump!
Hey how is everyone doing? Im doing really well here in windy Lebu. Im starting to like it here a lot as well. It really is just so windy! Today we went to the beach and took like 100 pics. It has been a really fun pday for sure. We were playing on these huge rocks and all kinds of stuff. Thank you all for your letters talking about how your last year was on your missions I am very excited for mine. I look back on this last year and it makes me really happy and even more stoked about the coming one. Is it hard? Yep. But i dont care, just keep working and searching.
Well i sent some letters home this past week. I wanted them to get there before Kevs birthday but I did it too late. I was also going to send him somehting small but it would have cost me 25 bucks for something super sorry i couldnt. I sure hope you had a great birthday i was thinking about you that day.
Speaking about that day.............that night i burned my shirt. at 6 months you burn a tie. year, shirt. year 6 months pants. 2 years, suit. so ill send you the pics. the thing lit on fire right away and i acutally burned my hand a little but not too bad haha.
So this thursday is thanksgiving. Well i want to tell you all how really gratefull i am for you and to be here on a mission. My comp and I will be eating alone in our house that day so i hope you think of me. I will be thinking of all of you. I love being a missionary. I love serving the Lord like this. In one year from today i actually finish. Wierd.
Well i love you all so much thanks for all. Have a great week and ill talk to you later!
Elder Elder
Saturday, November 20, 2010
One Year Anniversary of being on a Mission!
Whats up my family!
Wow. The hump is on thursday. Ya.....i dont know how to feel about that. I´ll just keep doing what im doing. WORKING!
So it sounds like you are all doing really good. That really does make me happy.
So i dont know why but this week was really hard. This new sector is taking a lot to get used to. I have never been rejected so much in my mission so far. I like this area a lot though. We really worked so hard this week. But none of our investegators went to made me kinda frustrated yesterday because if they dont go to church they cant get baptised. We are doing a ton tho to change the branch here. The prominent religion here is Evangelical. I think thats how you say it in english. I dont want to be mean but a lot of them are....very different. They sing super loud with like rock religious concerts and touch your head and start shaking and say they are healing. Very differernt like i said. And they are a ton! Their pastors tell them to not listen to the Mormons because we´re bad. But the work continues as well! Me and my comp were talking and we decided that we are going to fight fire with fire. The other religions gather like every for the party...i mean church so we are too now! On wednesdays English class from the two white boys, Fridays soccer night, and like every other saturday night ward family night. Its gonna be fun we are super stoked.
This whole week i have been thinking about the scripture in the Book of Mormon in Ether 12:6. I am trying to keep strong and keep going on with faith that we will find people that are ready to find the truth. There are so many people here and we are doing as much as we can. The first week or the transfer we are always supposed to do 200 contacts. Last night we got in the house and I realized that we forgot to finish and we lacked 9. So we got back dressed and went back out at like 10:35. Leaving the house i knew somehow that the first ones were gonna be like challenging and they were but i knew that the last one would be worth it. We walked around for like 10 min and couldnt find anyone and no one would open there door and a few minutes before 11:00 we saw 2 people walking fast to their house. Long story short they are super cool and want us to visit them. It grew my testimony that completing with standards and what our pres asks us to do we will be blessed. I dont know what will happen with them but i learned a lot from that.
I love you all so much. Pray for me that we will find people that will help the church and want to accept our message. Have a great week!
Elder Elder
Wow. The hump is on thursday. Ya.....i dont know how to feel about that. I´ll just keep doing what im doing. WORKING!
So it sounds like you are all doing really good. That really does make me happy.
So i dont know why but this week was really hard. This new sector is taking a lot to get used to. I have never been rejected so much in my mission so far. I like this area a lot though. We really worked so hard this week. But none of our investegators went to made me kinda frustrated yesterday because if they dont go to church they cant get baptised. We are doing a ton tho to change the branch here. The prominent religion here is Evangelical. I think thats how you say it in english. I dont want to be mean but a lot of them are....very different. They sing super loud with like rock religious concerts and touch your head and start shaking and say they are healing. Very differernt like i said. And they are a ton! Their pastors tell them to not listen to the Mormons because we´re bad. But the work continues as well! Me and my comp were talking and we decided that we are going to fight fire with fire. The other religions gather like every for the party...i mean church so we are too now! On wednesdays English class from the two white boys, Fridays soccer night, and like every other saturday night ward family night. Its gonna be fun we are super stoked.
This whole week i have been thinking about the scripture in the Book of Mormon in Ether 12:6. I am trying to keep strong and keep going on with faith that we will find people that are ready to find the truth. There are so many people here and we are doing as much as we can. The first week or the transfer we are always supposed to do 200 contacts. Last night we got in the house and I realized that we forgot to finish and we lacked 9. So we got back dressed and went back out at like 10:35. Leaving the house i knew somehow that the first ones were gonna be like challenging and they were but i knew that the last one would be worth it. We walked around for like 10 min and couldnt find anyone and no one would open there door and a few minutes before 11:00 we saw 2 people walking fast to their house. Long story short they are super cool and want us to visit them. It grew my testimony that completing with standards and what our pres asks us to do we will be blessed. I dont know what will happen with them but i learned a lot from that.
I love you all so much. Pray for me that we will find people that will help the church and want to accept our message. Have a great week!
Elder Elder
Monday, November 8, 2010
Well hello my family that is super far from me. How is every one. That is good.
Well I now am in a small town called Lebu. Right on the ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was awesome we went body surfing and everything....just kidding. It actually is really cold here and is super windy but all well, i guess i will just have to pull out all my winter clothes that i had putin away so happily so i dont die. I really hope it gets warm again. The weather is really strange here. It rains, then its sunny, then it rains again. It just doesnt take one side. But i like it!
I am finishing another white mans training here. He got here last transfer and is from Arizona. Last name Brimhall. Where have i heard that before? But i dont think there is a relation. As far as we know there isnt. I left Angol saturday morning after saying bye to tons of people. My comp commented to me that he hopes that the people love him as much as they love me. Man i really loved serving in Angol but i am really stoked to be here. We left a bunch of baptismal dates behind so i felt content with that.
So dad asked what i will be doing for Thanksgiving..........................well it turns out we will be the biggest rejected losers down here in because we dont even have lunch with a member! hahahahhahahahha we are going to have to eat lunch lunch in our apartment. I actually laughed my head off when i saw that. Im probably gonna talk to a Sister here in the branch that cooks really good. You know me i have amazing persuading skills.
Well things are still going really well down here. I love it so much. I actually cried when i left ha, we´ll have to see how it goes in a year. Man, a year. That is so so wierd for me. Right now all i worry about is how i can help these brown awesome people go to the temple and in a year i will have to worry about college and other stuff. How selfish right?
Well family of mine that i like a lot i gotta go. I love you all so much. I appreciate your prayers and support. I dare you to just try to have a cooler week than me! just playin. no im not. bye love you lots.
Elder Elder
Well I now am in a small town called Lebu. Right on the ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was awesome we went body surfing and everything....just kidding. It actually is really cold here and is super windy but all well, i guess i will just have to pull out all my winter clothes that i had putin away so happily so i dont die. I really hope it gets warm again. The weather is really strange here. It rains, then its sunny, then it rains again. It just doesnt take one side. But i like it!
I am finishing another white mans training here. He got here last transfer and is from Arizona. Last name Brimhall. Where have i heard that before? But i dont think there is a relation. As far as we know there isnt. I left Angol saturday morning after saying bye to tons of people. My comp commented to me that he hopes that the people love him as much as they love me. Man i really loved serving in Angol but i am really stoked to be here. We left a bunch of baptismal dates behind so i felt content with that.
So dad asked what i will be doing for Thanksgiving..........................well it turns out we will be the biggest rejected losers down here in because we dont even have lunch with a member! hahahahhahahahha we are going to have to eat lunch lunch in our apartment. I actually laughed my head off when i saw that. Im probably gonna talk to a Sister here in the branch that cooks really good. You know me i have amazing persuading skills.
Well things are still going really well down here. I love it so much. I actually cried when i left ha, we´ll have to see how it goes in a year. Man, a year. That is so so wierd for me. Right now all i worry about is how i can help these brown awesome people go to the temple and in a year i will have to worry about college and other stuff. How selfish right?
Well family of mine that i like a lot i gotta go. I love you all so much. I appreciate your prayers and support. I dare you to just try to have a cooler week than me! just playin. no im not. bye love you lots.
Elder Elder
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