Well this week went by very very fast like always. But hey, what else is new right? It was a really good week, it was the first week of the transfer so we had to do a lot more contacts to be able to have more people to teach throughout the transfer. like a bust i guess you could say. We ended up finding 12 more really good people to teach this week which was actually pretty good. Im really stoked to go chill with the people this week and start teaching them. I honestly love talking with the people in the street. Joking around is my favorite way to do it. well not joking around but just having a funny casual conversation and getting to know them. We´ve been able to get into a lot of houses that way. So me and my comp we walkin down this dirt road the other day and i told him "you know how different this is then normal life? Having complete strangers trusting us to go inside the walls of their homes and teach them something about Christ just out of the blue. I dont know why but it kinda made us laugh just to think how different it is. Its really cool to be trusted like that. Also on saturday we were visiting a less active member before lunch and all of a sudden the house started to shake and tons of stuff started to fall down. It wasnt a long earthquake just a few seconds but it totally reminded me about last years huge one. I can still remember the noise. I actually like earthquakes now. I cant tell the people here that now because they get mad. But for real i like them, they´re fun!
Yesterday we were visiting some of the people who had recently got baptised and this other lady was there who we had never met. In this order this is what happened. I asked her name, where she lives, if she had talked the missionaries before(she said a little), if she has been baptised, i told her why we need to be baptised and that me and my companion help people with getting baptised, then i asked if she wants to get baptised in three weeks. Then she just punched me in the face! It was the craziest thing that has ever happened here it surprised me so bad. Ok im just kidding, she really just smiled and looked at me and said yes. It was so cool im not kidding. We obviously have to teach her everything but for someone to be that willing like that....tells you that God does prepare his little hijos. Pray for her. Her name is Paula.
Oh another really cool thing is that we are going to live us four missionaries all in the same house so that will deffinatley be really fun. We are moving into the new house tomorrow. Its gonna be so nice because the shower will actually be warm and enjoyable! I love the luxgeries of life like that.
So i got alot of really good letters from a lot of you all and it sounds like you are all doing great and im very happy for you. I love you all so much. I cant wait to be able to spend time with my family again. Yesterday i gave my testimony in church. I talked about how challenges and difficulties have made me and are making me into who i am. The mission is challenging. But so worth it. If anyone is reading this and thinking about going. Just go. You will find out who you really are if you do the things that are taught in the mission. Some one also right before me gave his testimony and randomly said that he loves his mother very very much. It really made me think for a sec. In that moment I remembered that you all still exist. Its honestly so wierd to think that i have so many white people at home that love me. I just dont really think about it too much because of time and thinking about what im doing. And on mondays when i write you its not the same because i am sitting at a computer and writing the screen. But right in that moment it hit me hard. I love you all much. I hope you are all happy and are taking the dissisions you really want to be taking. Take care everyone and I´ll talk to you later.
Elder Elder
so the brown kid right there´s name is carlos. He´s getting baptised this weekend. we shaved his head because he lost a bet. He also did a huge service progect with us for a few hours where we just cut a ton of grass with hoes. Thats the lawn mowing system here i love it.