Well this will be a little shorter being that i talked to you just the other day. But today has been really fun. We went to the beach again. Man i really love the beach. we were just chillin there on the shore playin soccer and kinda resting. I took a bunch of pics and videos. I wish i knew how to send videos! It was really cool talking to a lot of you and being able to have a real conversation with you all! This was my only christmas in Chile and it was a good one. I spoke in church yesterday about the real meaning of christmas and what christ really does for us. I really like talking in church down here. The people really listen to me like i am smart or something. It really is differnent when i realize how different they look at me as a missionary. I really like it alot. Well, this week is already starting out really busy which is a great thing. I am going to put a bunch of goals for myself for the year and advise all you to do the same. I loveyou all!
Elder Elder
Austin is serving a LDS Mission in the Chile Concepcion South Mission! Letters and pictures and updates will be displayed here on this blog for family and friends!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Well this week was a great week. We had a competitions bewtween the mission to see who brought the most people to church and we won! The winners got a BBQ that was amazing. We went to a different city today and pigged out like crazy. We played a bunch of soccer, football, and basketball and just chilled it was a really fun pday.
So there are going to be 4 missionaries here in Lebu now! It really needs it because it really is so huge. I am going to stay with my comp Elder Brimhall and my old zoneleader that is dying this transfer is going to come here. The funny thing is that he actually started his mission here like 2 years ago and is going to end it here too. He will be training so we still dont know who it is yet that is coming we wont know until tomorrow.
This week for christmas is really going to be fun. We were going to baptize someone on christmas day but we had to change it for this thursday. But we are baptising someone! I havent personally baptised anyone for a very long time. In Angol my new comp that i trained baptised and then after i left a ton more got baptised and here is the first one and my comp hasnt baptised anyone so i want him to know how it feels. But its our investigators choice. so we´ll see!
On saturday we went to the beach as a branch to have a little lesson and roast some hotdogs. It really was a good time. I love the ocean so much. I just wanna swim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i cant. We didnt have any rods or anything to roast the hotdogs so we had to use some random nasty sticks we found on the beach. The chileans dont know how to roast hot dogs with out burning them so the sticks kept catching on fire and the hot dog fell in the fire. They still ate them tho. dont worry.
Well i am very very excited to talk to you all this week! This saturday around 12 or 1 i will be calling. So be ready. I love you all. Have a great week and enjoy the snow if you have it!
Elder Elder
So there are going to be 4 missionaries here in Lebu now! It really needs it because it really is so huge. I am going to stay with my comp Elder Brimhall and my old zoneleader that is dying this transfer is going to come here. The funny thing is that he actually started his mission here like 2 years ago and is going to end it here too. He will be training so we still dont know who it is yet that is coming we wont know until tomorrow.
This week for christmas is really going to be fun. We were going to baptize someone on christmas day but we had to change it for this thursday. But we are baptising someone! I havent personally baptised anyone for a very long time. In Angol my new comp that i trained baptised and then after i left a ton more got baptised and here is the first one and my comp hasnt baptised anyone so i want him to know how it feels. But its our investigators choice. so we´ll see!
On saturday we went to the beach as a branch to have a little lesson and roast some hotdogs. It really was a good time. I love the ocean so much. I just wanna swim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i cant. We didnt have any rods or anything to roast the hotdogs so we had to use some random nasty sticks we found on the beach. The chileans dont know how to roast hot dogs with out burning them so the sticks kept catching on fire and the hot dog fell in the fire. They still ate them tho. dont worry.
Well i am very very excited to talk to you all this week! This saturday around 12 or 1 i will be calling. So be ready. I love you all. Have a great week and enjoy the snow if you have it!
Elder Elder
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Well hey whats going on everyone?? This week went be really really good. We got 4 people that want to get baptised and 1 will be on christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man i really am excited for that you have no idea. Me and my comp have one more week together then there are transfers. I really cannot believe how fast its going. this week i have 13 months....man. I feel like i really am living my mission well tho. Im actually pretty satisfied with what has happened so far and what can happen. This week i have to go travel like 3 or 4 hours with a kid from my ward to another city to go do a baptismal interview and sleep over down there. I have to go with him because we have a lot of really importan appointments wednesday night so we are going to go on overnight splits. Its gonna be a good time. The kid im going with is actually going to Bolivia on his mission in March so he always goes out with us. This passed week there was a young singles adult activity here in Lebu and all the youth from all over came here and had this huge activity. One part was to sing christmas songs so we invited investigators and we all went watched. We had a really really good time, me especially because i saw all of my friends i made in Angol and it was awesome to see everyone. The singing was kinda...............................but we still had fun!
We really are meeting so many new people that are awesome. In our room there is a chart with all the people we teach and we had to make a new chart so we could fit everyone. It makes me happy.
Well i hope everyone is enjoying the christmas season and i will talk to you all soon!
Elder Elder
Monday, December 6, 2010
My dog Jamine!
This week litterally flew by for me. We worked so hard and we are workin a ton with the ward here. We really have seen such a difference here its really cool. There a lot more people going to church and a lot of investigators. At the beginning of the transfer we have pretty much no one going to church. Yesterday we had 8 investigators so we were really happy about that. We found the coolest family ever and they really like what we teach them so much. The mom prayed and knows its true and we have to start teaching the kids and husband this week. Today we went on this hike with one of the ward members that is going to Bolivia on his mission. We hiked to this national park and looked at a bunch of way old trees and stuff. It was super pretty actually. We also had a really good BBQ up there. Man, i really am so full. I never want to eat again. So happy birthday Mom, Adam and Tracy this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you all have a great birthday and do a lot of fun stuff.
We have transfers already on the 21. I am pretty sure that i am staying. The pres of this mission wants to put 2 more missionaries here for just a transfer because there are a lot coming and a couple months later a ton leave. And if he does that 2 missionaries will have to live in a members house. So we´ll see!
I really liked the pics and video dad sent of SLC and everything. Its so wierd that up there its so cold and down here its not. I read in my friend Josh Elgans letter that its snowing a lot in England too. He sounds really good. If your reading this Josh i love ya bro! Good luck over there.
Well i love you all so much and im grateful for your support. have a great week and I´ll write next week.
Elder Elder
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Well hello my beloved family. Sorry i am writing this so late i just got back from a district and zone leader meating with the pres. Yesterday i had to take 3 buses to go to Los Angeles and i slept there with my old comp Elder Glover and a bunch of way good friends and then today we had a meeting about numbers and all that really fun stuff and how we are going to help the younger missionaries be better. So i just barely got back. I smell delightful just so you know........we had to travel back another 5 hours. And another thing...............i left my camara in my appartment..................so i cant send any pics to you sorry. I had a ton of really good ones. But ill have to do it next week.
So this week was super good i liked it a lot. After 3 sundays of having 1 person and no one in the church we had 5 go this week. The sector is slower starting to look a lot better and we are going to be baptising some people really soon and hopefully getting some people married!!!!!!! So please keep that in your prayers because we really really want a white christmas just like you are having. But i am in "summer" supposably even though its super cold here with all the wind.
But Thanksgiving! We did end up eating in our appartment but our zone leaders came and ate with us. I was not feeling turkey at all so we made french fries, rice, this fruit salad, and juice! It was really good and totally made by missionaries. I liked it. hahaha I wouldnt let anyone eat until we all went in a circle and said what we are grateful for. It was really cool. But just like dad said in his letter..........next one I´ll be with you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats gonna be so wierd.
So did you all like the pics i sent you? Remember my pet crab? Well i ate him. It was alright but i mainly just did it for the experience. We boiled it and then ate it! It was pretty cool i felt legit. Another really cool animal story is there was little puppy just walking around lost in the road and we went up and played with it for a little and petted it and stuff but it ended up following us to the house and we couldnt make it go away so we decided to let it stay the night untill we figured out what to do with it. We named it Jasmine. It was so cute I litterally fell in love with it immediately. But the next day someone stole her from us. Some crazy lady asked if she could have it while we were walking through down town (doing contacts, it was so cool because everyone actually stopped and started talking to us!) and i told her i didnt know because we didnt know who´s it was but the totally just took it and left. I was stunned and she totally just dissapeared into the croud. It broke my heart to see my puppy go.
So the best was on saturday we were watching the testaments as a branch activity in the church and i get a phone call on my cell and i leave and the person tells me "Elder2?" and i said "yes" and he said "this is the newest member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I just want to thank you so much for what you did for me and my family." It was the father of the little boy we baptised in Angol before i left. All of the 6 people i left in Angol got baptised. I was so happy and i just couldnt stop smiling for the rest of the day. His wife already was a member and now he wants to go to the temple way bad. Another family was completed. The Rodriguez fam that i told you about the wife and 3 kids and they want to go to the temple too and a 23 year old guy who wants to be a missionary. 14 people got baptized in Angol in the past 6 months. And they told me the place was dead when i got there. Now its time for Lebu!
Well i love you lots. Thanks for your love and support. Have a great week and i will be talking to you all soon!!!
Elder Elder
So this week was super good i liked it a lot. After 3 sundays of having 1 person and no one in the church we had 5 go this week. The sector is slower starting to look a lot better and we are going to be baptising some people really soon and hopefully getting some people married!!!!!!! So please keep that in your prayers because we really really want a white christmas just like you are having. But i am in "summer" supposably even though its super cold here with all the wind.
But Thanksgiving! We did end up eating in our appartment but our zone leaders came and ate with us. I was not feeling turkey at all so we made french fries, rice, this fruit salad, and juice! It was really good and totally made by missionaries. I liked it. hahaha I wouldnt let anyone eat until we all went in a circle and said what we are grateful for. It was really cool. But just like dad said in his letter..........next one I´ll be with you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats gonna be so wierd.
So did you all like the pics i sent you? Remember my pet crab? Well i ate him. It was alright but i mainly just did it for the experience. We boiled it and then ate it! It was pretty cool i felt legit. Another really cool animal story is there was little puppy just walking around lost in the road and we went up and played with it for a little and petted it and stuff but it ended up following us to the house and we couldnt make it go away so we decided to let it stay the night untill we figured out what to do with it. We named it Jasmine. It was so cute I litterally fell in love with it immediately. But the next day someone stole her from us. Some crazy lady asked if she could have it while we were walking through down town (doing contacts, it was so cool because everyone actually stopped and started talking to us!) and i told her i didnt know because we didnt know who´s it was but the totally just took it and left. I was stunned and she totally just dissapeared into the croud. It broke my heart to see my puppy go.
So the best was on saturday we were watching the testaments as a branch activity in the church and i get a phone call on my cell and i leave and the person tells me "Elder2?" and i said "yes" and he said "this is the newest member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I just want to thank you so much for what you did for me and my family." It was the father of the little boy we baptised in Angol before i left. All of the 6 people i left in Angol got baptised. I was so happy and i just couldnt stop smiling for the rest of the day. His wife already was a member and now he wants to go to the temple way bad. Another family was completed. The Rodriguez fam that i told you about the wife and 3 kids and they want to go to the temple too and a 23 year old guy who wants to be a missionary. 14 people got baptized in Angol in the past 6 months. And they told me the place was dead when i got there. Now its time for Lebu!
Well i love you lots. Thanks for your love and support. Have a great week and i will be talking to you all soon!!!
Elder Elder
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Over the Hump!
Hey how is everyone doing? Im doing really well here in windy Lebu. Im starting to like it here a lot as well. It really is just so windy! Today we went to the beach and took like 100 pics. It has been a really fun pday for sure. We were playing on these huge rocks and all kinds of stuff. Thank you all for your letters talking about how your last year was on your missions I am very excited for mine. I look back on this last year and it makes me really happy and even more stoked about the coming one. Is it hard? Yep. But i dont care, just keep working and searching.
Well i sent some letters home this past week. I wanted them to get there before Kevs birthday but I did it too late. I was also going to send him somehting small but it would have cost me 25 bucks for something super small...............so sorry i couldnt. I sure hope you had a great birthday i was thinking about you that day.
Speaking about that day.............that night i burned my shirt. at 6 months you burn a tie. year, shirt. year 6 months pants. 2 years, suit. so ill send you the pics. the thing lit on fire right away and i acutally burned my hand a little but not too bad haha.
So this thursday is thanksgiving. Well i want to tell you all how really gratefull i am for you and to be here on a mission. My comp and I will be eating alone in our house that day so i hope you think of me. I will be thinking of all of you. I love being a missionary. I love serving the Lord like this. In one year from today i actually finish. Wierd.
Well i love you all so much thanks for all. Have a great week and ill talk to you later!
Elder Elder
Saturday, November 20, 2010
One Year Anniversary of being on a Mission!
Whats up my family!
Wow. The hump is on thursday. Ya.....i dont know how to feel about that. I´ll just keep doing what im doing. WORKING!
So it sounds like you are all doing really good. That really does make me happy.
So i dont know why but this week was really hard. This new sector is taking a lot to get used to. I have never been rejected so much in my mission so far. I like this area a lot though. We really worked so hard this week. But none of our investegators went to church....it made me kinda frustrated yesterday because if they dont go to church they cant get baptised. We are doing a ton tho to change the branch here. The prominent religion here is Evangelical. I think thats how you say it in english. I dont want to be mean but a lot of them are....very different. They sing super loud with like rock religious concerts and touch your head and start shaking and say they are healing. Very differernt like i said. And they are a ton! Their pastors tell them to not listen to the Mormons because we´re bad. But the work continues as well! Me and my comp were talking and we decided that we are going to fight fire with fire. The other religions gather like every for the party...i mean church so we are too now! On wednesdays English class from the two white boys, Fridays soccer night, and like every other saturday night ward family night. Its gonna be fun we are super stoked.
This whole week i have been thinking about the scripture in the Book of Mormon in Ether 12:6. I am trying to keep strong and keep going on with faith that we will find people that are ready to find the truth. There are so many people here and we are doing as much as we can. The first week or the transfer we are always supposed to do 200 contacts. Last night we got in the house and I realized that we forgot to finish and we lacked 9. So we got back dressed and went back out at like 10:35. Leaving the house i knew somehow that the first ones were gonna be like challenging and they were but i knew that the last one would be worth it. We walked around for like 10 min and couldnt find anyone and no one would open there door and a few minutes before 11:00 we saw 2 people walking fast to their house. Long story short they are super cool and want us to visit them. It grew my testimony that completing with standards and what our pres asks us to do we will be blessed. I dont know what will happen with them but i learned a lot from that.
I love you all so much. Pray for me that we will find people that will help the church and want to accept our message. Have a great week!
Elder Elder
Wow. The hump is on thursday. Ya.....i dont know how to feel about that. I´ll just keep doing what im doing. WORKING!
So it sounds like you are all doing really good. That really does make me happy.
So i dont know why but this week was really hard. This new sector is taking a lot to get used to. I have never been rejected so much in my mission so far. I like this area a lot though. We really worked so hard this week. But none of our investegators went to church....it made me kinda frustrated yesterday because if they dont go to church they cant get baptised. We are doing a ton tho to change the branch here. The prominent religion here is Evangelical. I think thats how you say it in english. I dont want to be mean but a lot of them are....very different. They sing super loud with like rock religious concerts and touch your head and start shaking and say they are healing. Very differernt like i said. And they are a ton! Their pastors tell them to not listen to the Mormons because we´re bad. But the work continues as well! Me and my comp were talking and we decided that we are going to fight fire with fire. The other religions gather like every for the party...i mean church so we are too now! On wednesdays English class from the two white boys, Fridays soccer night, and like every other saturday night ward family night. Its gonna be fun we are super stoked.
This whole week i have been thinking about the scripture in the Book of Mormon in Ether 12:6. I am trying to keep strong and keep going on with faith that we will find people that are ready to find the truth. There are so many people here and we are doing as much as we can. The first week or the transfer we are always supposed to do 200 contacts. Last night we got in the house and I realized that we forgot to finish and we lacked 9. So we got back dressed and went back out at like 10:35. Leaving the house i knew somehow that the first ones were gonna be like challenging and they were but i knew that the last one would be worth it. We walked around for like 10 min and couldnt find anyone and no one would open there door and a few minutes before 11:00 we saw 2 people walking fast to their house. Long story short they are super cool and want us to visit them. It grew my testimony that completing with standards and what our pres asks us to do we will be blessed. I dont know what will happen with them but i learned a lot from that.
I love you all so much. Pray for me that we will find people that will help the church and want to accept our message. Have a great week!
Elder Elder
Monday, November 8, 2010
Well hello my family that is super far from me. How is every one. That is good.
Well I now am in a small town called Lebu. Right on the ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was awesome we went body surfing and everything....just kidding. It actually is really cold here and is super windy but all well, i guess i will just have to pull out all my winter clothes that i had putin away so happily so i dont die. I really hope it gets warm again. The weather is really strange here. It rains, then its sunny, then it rains again. It just doesnt take one side. But i like it!
I am finishing another white mans training here. He got here last transfer and is from Arizona. Last name Brimhall. Where have i heard that before? But i dont think there is a relation. As far as we know there isnt. I left Angol saturday morning after saying bye to tons of people. My comp commented to me that he hopes that the people love him as much as they love me. Man i really loved serving in Angol but i am really stoked to be here. We left a bunch of baptismal dates behind so i felt content with that.
So dad asked what i will be doing for Thanksgiving..........................well it turns out we will be the biggest rejected losers down here in because we dont even have lunch with a member! hahahahhahahahha we are going to have to eat lunch lunch in our apartment. I actually laughed my head off when i saw that. Im probably gonna talk to a Sister here in the branch that cooks really good. You know me i have amazing persuading skills.
Well things are still going really well down here. I love it so much. I actually cried when i left ha, we´ll have to see how it goes in a year. Man, a year. That is so so wierd for me. Right now all i worry about is how i can help these brown awesome people go to the temple and in a year i will have to worry about college and other stuff. How selfish right?
Well family of mine that i like a lot i gotta go. I love you all so much. I appreciate your prayers and support. I dare you to just try to have a cooler week than me! just playin. no im not. bye love you lots.
Elder Elder
Well I now am in a small town called Lebu. Right on the ocean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was awesome we went body surfing and everything....just kidding. It actually is really cold here and is super windy but all well, i guess i will just have to pull out all my winter clothes that i had putin away so happily so i dont die. I really hope it gets warm again. The weather is really strange here. It rains, then its sunny, then it rains again. It just doesnt take one side. But i like it!
I am finishing another white mans training here. He got here last transfer and is from Arizona. Last name Brimhall. Where have i heard that before? But i dont think there is a relation. As far as we know there isnt. I left Angol saturday morning after saying bye to tons of people. My comp commented to me that he hopes that the people love him as much as they love me. Man i really loved serving in Angol but i am really stoked to be here. We left a bunch of baptismal dates behind so i felt content with that.
So dad asked what i will be doing for Thanksgiving..........................well it turns out we will be the biggest rejected losers down here in because we dont even have lunch with a member! hahahahhahahahha we are going to have to eat lunch lunch in our apartment. I actually laughed my head off when i saw that. Im probably gonna talk to a Sister here in the branch that cooks really good. You know me i have amazing persuading skills.
Well things are still going really well down here. I love it so much. I actually cried when i left ha, we´ll have to see how it goes in a year. Man, a year. That is so so wierd for me. Right now all i worry about is how i can help these brown awesome people go to the temple and in a year i will have to worry about college and other stuff. How selfish right?
Well family of mine that i like a lot i gotta go. I love you all so much. I appreciate your prayers and support. I dare you to just try to have a cooler week than me! just playin. no im not. bye love you lots.
Elder Elder
Monday, October 18, 2010
here is a door for midgits. no one answered....
this week has been a really fun week. well to start off we started this transfer with 5 people we were actually teaching...now we have more than 15. these past three weeks have been so crazy trying to be able to do everything we need to do! we had to borrow some girly bikes from some members so we could make it to all of our appointments in the days to be able to visit everyone. its cause our area is so big! but it has been a great time. hahaha it was the funniest though when we first got on the bikes we both just lit up with huge smiles because it was so cool to ride a bike again! like over a year since i have ridden a bike! it was probably to coolest moment in all of my mission by far.so my comp is doin really good and catching the language pretty well. i am helping him. i have studied a lot of the slang i guess you could say here and it is really funny to say some stuff because they laugh super hard when we say it. today me and a bunch of my buds went to Los Angeles and just chilled there. we ate this huge kinda hot dog things but a million times better. there called completos. its like a hot dog with tomotoas, mayonaise, and guacamole. i like it a lot.
i only have 3 more weeks left in this area so i am trying to tie up all ends and leave the sector really good before i go. man i have loved it here. almost half my mission. i love the people here so much. i dont wanna leave but i gotta.
oh ya! so this sunday was probably the weirdest sunday of my life. we were in our room studying before church and all of a sudden someone knocks on the door and tells us he wants to get baptized. first i asked if he was drunk(just kidding) (but totally thought it) well anyway we let him in and found out he was talkin to the missionaries before. turns out he is actually kinda crazy and more or less brain fried i guess you could say from excessive use of some pretty serious drugs if you catch my drift. but super cool dude. his name is hector he´s my bud now. well anyway we took thim to church and in priesthood meeting he kept talking about how he used to do drugs, drink, wants to help a lot and do a lot of service, is willing to give us his money, he was gonna get baptized the day of the earthquake but got scared and started going to the catholic church, and the list continues. oh ya and to top it off a kinda smelly....ok understatement a stench covered dog followed man also showed up to church and the both of them we were going crazy. i had to give the priesthood lesson and i was havin a good ole time trying to control them. at the end of the day we could only just laugh about it. i hope they get baptised and end up being like bishops and stake presidents some day. wouldnt that be so tight! its like the ultimate mission story.
well i love ya lots. the fam is in mexico and the hotel looks really boring sorry. my apartment is hundred times better. ya just kiddin it looks amazing. i am glad everyone is doing good and appreciate your support. love you all.
Just to show you all how much i starve on the mission.
elder elder
Monday, September 27, 2010
I am a firefighter, a trainer, and a missionary!
Elder Elder, the firefighter!
so............im pregnant. tomorrow i will be giving birth to a new missionary. i have to take a bus from here in angol to concepcion to go pick up the new missionary that i will be training! i am actually pretty excited to tell you the truth. i have been here in Angol for 4 months and i love it. i wrote my president week and i told him how much i love it here and how i get along so well with everyone and that i didnt want that to distract me from the work. i asked him for some suggestions of what i could do and a few days later i get a call......he told me Elder, (i dont know if he was refering to my name or the title elder) i have just the thing for you. you will be training and staying in you sector. these next 6 weeks will help you more than you know. it was really cool and i am really excited. it is way awesome too because tanner goodman is training too! well at least he was. i heard that he is having an emergency transfer.
another thing. i became a firefigher this week too! about 5 oclock on friday we were walking down this street and we see a ton of smoke so we went to go check it out because it was really close to a members house. turns out it wasnt a member but a house was on fire. the firefighters had arrived 45 minutes late and the house wasnt able to be saved. the firefighters actually left early as well and after an hour or so that they had left we were in a members house getting ready to do an activity with them and some other people and the sister comes running in and yells "elders! the house is on fire again!" so we went running and i entered the the house with a hose and put the fire out. it was actually way cool. i dont feel bad for not calling the firefighters because i didnt feel like waiting for another 45 minites. all this is in my church clothes. i dont have a picture of that but i got a bunch of other ones. the next day we went back to help the family take out all of the things that were destroyed. they were really really grateful for our help. it was so sad to see all their possentions destroyed but the coolest thing ever was how they werent even sad. they said that god had blessed them with life still and that no one was hurt. we were able to save about 1/4 of their stuff from getting burned. it was so gratifying to be able to help them. i have 6 more weeks here in angol. i am actually still in my 2 area! i will have 6 months here when i leave. i leave november 9 and the 18 i will have a year in the mission! where is the time!?
i stil havent gotten any letters or packages from anyone yet but hopefully when i go to to concepcion tomorrow i can pick them up! i want real candy again!
well i love you all so much. your support and letters make me feel so much better. i love being here. it is so amazing to be a servant of the lord. i love him so much. i love you all so much as well. take care everyone. oh i do have a favor....how many nieces and nephews do i have now and how many that are coming?....i feel bad for not knowing when people ask me! i am pretty sure i have 14. right? well love you all. be good.
elder elder
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Happy Birthday to ME!!!! 20 can you belive it??!
two families gave me a birthday cake haha
on the 18 we had this huge lunch with a family that is awesome here. we couldnt work because the mission said we couldnt because there is a ton of drunk people on the street and they like to attack missionaries..........so we didnt work. actually to tell the truth i felt like a piece a poo at the end of the day. i felt so worthless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is that how life is after the mish? awesome. you know, i was missing you all so much on that day. just being with that family and seeing them all happy together it made me miss you all so much, man i just want it to be christmas so i can call you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love being here but man, i really do miss seeing you all it made me remember how much i love you guys. right now im good and all we are ready to work this week. we want to finish this transfer really good so we are just workin a butt load. today we work because on sat we didnt. but we have time to write you guys and all so its nice.
on the 15 we had a conference with the pres and a lot of the missionaries here so we had hardly any time to work at alll this week. we still did the best we could and are just trying to work smart. i think i am going to a different city in a week........im pretty bummed out but it will be good too. im excited. i dont know if i like the fact that i have no idea where or with who i will be in a week. but its part of the adventure!
well things are going great down here in chile. not a lot of stuff new. we are going to visit all of these references that we got and starting to work with these families. pray for us. we need a lot of help and we can not do it alone we are coming to realize.
i love you all so much. thanks for all your letters and packages that you sent.......im sure i will enjoy them in a couple weeks! haha still havnt gotten anything but its cool! take care everyone.
elder elder
me and my little cowboy friend
me drinking this drink from a cows horn. it was way good.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Buenos Dias Familia
well whats up family of mine! how is everyone doing? im doing great this week was awesome i liked it a ton. we are teaching a lot of way awesome people and trying to help everyone out. i think i only have 3 more weeks in this place. it pretty much sucks but its part of the mission. i did the math the other day, i have been in the city for like 105 or something. Crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it has gone by so so fast for me. i cant believe it. im coming up on a year in the mission too what the heck!?! it is what it is right? right.
so can someone do me a grand favor? what is my new niece or nephews name? knowing the sex would be nice to know too. hahaha i read in the letter that krystal had the baby......................but some of the major info is lacking. thanks!
so everyone is really busy and doing a ton of stuff. katie with her dancing kevin with his huge plans for making money already man that is so cool. i was actually thinkin about chris and dasha the other day. man you guys are doin so good it awesome. everyone is actually god is blessing the family so much right now.
this week we met with the pres of the mission. he is such a cool guy. he is really smart too. we had interviews to see how we are doing. we talked for like 10 min and he said i am doin really good. haha i also talked to his wife for like 15 hahaha we talked about monte pithon and my plans after the mission a little. i dont know where monte pithon came from but it was hilarious we were laughing a ton. the people here take such good care of us here. so dont worry.
well i am so happy that everyone is doing soo good. we are teaching 4 people that are really close to baptism but just need a little more help. if you can keep them in your prayers. andres, angie, marie jose, and nicolas. thanks for everything you all do for me. have a great week and i will talk to you all next week!
oh ya and how awesome is that brady is in the mtc now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we´re almost all out on missions. jake in peru, josh in england, brady going to bolivia, liam in mexico, chris goin to peru also. it is so freakin crazy. so awesome though isnt it. this work is true and necessary(do you spell it that way)? necesario there thats better. loveyou all. elder elder
so can someone do me a grand favor? what is my new niece or nephews name? knowing the sex would be nice to know too. hahaha i read in the letter that krystal had the baby......................but some of the major info is lacking. thanks!
so everyone is really busy and doing a ton of stuff. katie with her dancing kevin with his huge plans for making money already man that is so cool. i was actually thinkin about chris and dasha the other day. man you guys are doin so good it awesome. everyone is actually god is blessing the family so much right now.
this week we met with the pres of the mission. he is such a cool guy. he is really smart too. we had interviews to see how we are doing. we talked for like 10 min and he said i am doin really good. haha i also talked to his wife for like 15 hahaha we talked about monte pithon and my plans after the mission a little. i dont know where monte pithon came from but it was hilarious we were laughing a ton. the people here take such good care of us here. so dont worry.
well i am so happy that everyone is doing soo good. we are teaching 4 people that are really close to baptism but just need a little more help. if you can keep them in your prayers. andres, angie, marie jose, and nicolas. thanks for everything you all do for me. have a great week and i will talk to you all next week!
oh ya and how awesome is that brady is in the mtc now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we´re almost all out on missions. jake in peru, josh in england, brady going to bolivia, liam in mexico, chris goin to peru also. it is so freakin crazy. so awesome though isnt it. this work is true and necessary(do you spell it that way)? necesario there thats better. loveyou all. elder elder
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
well whats up everyone!
this week went by great. after i wrote you all last week we made brownies for a family. i about cried they were so good. i forgot about the simplicities of life like brownies.
we found a lot of really good people this week and one of them decided to get baptised last night. she has to wait a couple months because she doesnt have anyone in her house to go to the church to encourage her and stuff so there is a rule about that. but dont worry, we met her mom and we are going to baptize he to i decided. then we can baptize them in 3 weeks!
i think i already told you but im going to stay with my comp for another transfer so we are excited. we want to finish a lot of things before i go.
man it is weird to think that you all exist and stuff up there in gringolandia. its already been so long it almost just seems so fake. its messed up but chill.
dang so everyone started school and everything! how is it going to for you katie and kev? is kevin still going to thomas edison or to south cache now. i think that katie is a senor now. that is just messed up......hey so how is my car and cell phone doing? you can actually keep my cell phone katie. im getting a iphone 4 when i get home. i heard that they are so sick! only.............15 months! hahaha tahts a lot but its cool.
well i am doing really good. i really appreciate all of your prayers and support. i hope that you are all doing great and you are getting a butt load of blessings because i am. i love you. big squeeze. welp................see ya later!
elder elder
this week went by great. after i wrote you all last week we made brownies for a family. i about cried they were so good. i forgot about the simplicities of life like brownies.
we found a lot of really good people this week and one of them decided to get baptised last night. she has to wait a couple months because she doesnt have anyone in her house to go to the church to encourage her and stuff so there is a rule about that. but dont worry, we met her mom and we are going to baptize he to i decided. then we can baptize them in 3 weeks!
i think i already told you but im going to stay with my comp for another transfer so we are excited. we want to finish a lot of things before i go.
man it is weird to think that you all exist and stuff up there in gringolandia. its already been so long it almost just seems so fake. its messed up but chill.
dang so everyone started school and everything! how is it going to for you katie and kev? is kevin still going to thomas edison or to south cache now. i think that katie is a senor now. that is just messed up......hey so how is my car and cell phone doing? you can actually keep my cell phone katie. im getting a iphone 4 when i get home. i heard that they are so sick! only.............15 months! hahaha tahts a lot but its cool.
well i am doing really good. i really appreciate all of your prayers and support. i hope that you are all doing great and you are getting a butt load of blessings because i am. i love you. big squeeze. welp................see ya later!
elder elder
Monday, August 16, 2010
Glad you all had a great time at the Brimhall reunion!
man another fast week! i dont know if i like it or not....but it is what it is right?
Dad thanks so much for sending the brimhall reunion video of all my family saying Hi to me. it was so awesome to see everyone and hear them say hi. glad to meet heaths girlfriend. they look very happy. glad to see all my cousins, aunts, uncles, and especially grandma goodman. i sure enjoyed hearing grandmas testimony that she gave on sunday. i have such a wonderful family. i enjoy teaching people here about how families can be together forever. i love you all so very much!
things were pretty sweet this week. we baptised two peole on sat. hahaha i think i wrote you all about a couple months ago how i was in the water with this girl and she got all freaked out and in the end didnt get baptised and a bunch of stuff.....well she got baptized on sat! finally. he dad did it. and it took 3 times before she would go under the water. she wouldnt let him! all well it happened finally haha.
oh ya ha so after i finished my letter last week we went home and had to stay in the house because my companion was throwing up and stuff and so he went to bed really early. so i started to read the book of mormon and after an hour or so i took a break and started cleaning the house and stuff. well anyway i have this plastic thing that holds my bar of soap for the shower and i wanted to put wholes in it so that the water would leak out and stuff instead of just sit in there and ruin my bar of soap.......so i had my knife and..........i had the plastic thing in my hand and with my other hand i was drilling and it slipped and i stabbed myselft......hahahahha ya i know i am an idiot. it went in my hand like an inch and was bleeding all over the place. it was awesome! well my comp was way sick and couldnt get out of bed so i called a bunch or people and no one would answer for like 15 min! i thought i was going to die! i guess it wouldnt be so bad i would go straight to heaven i guess....but finally i got a hold of my zone leader and we went to the hospital. after and hour and a half they finally called my name. and on top of that they put two stitches in becuase it wasnt wide just deep( and the stitches fell out after 3 days) and they charged me 110 bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think it is because i have a rich gringo face and they took advantage of me. i dont know but it is retarded. the medical system in chile is soooooo good! if they charged me that much for 2 stitches im just glad i didnt cut off my hand! probably like 5000000092 dollars or something. but its chill i love chile still.
we have transfers this week and i have been asking my pres to let me stay here for another transfer and we are both staying! actually something really cool happened. Liliana ( the lady i always talk about) actually fasted that we would stay. its because we are finally getting in with her sons and are teaching them. man i love that family.
oh ya i hope you liked the pig pictures i sent! sorry if they were too graphic.....it was a crazy experience thats for sure. i know dad only put one up on my blog...which was a good shot of me showing the guts of the pig.
well i love you all so much. i hope things are going great for you all. things are great here. be good now and i will let you know whats up next week!

hahahahah this little kid ripped open a bag of cement and was playing in it while i was talking to his mom Liliana. oh man it was so funny we laughed our heads off.
Dad thanks so much for sending the brimhall reunion video of all my family saying Hi to me. it was so awesome to see everyone and hear them say hi. glad to meet heaths girlfriend. they look very happy. glad to see all my cousins, aunts, uncles, and especially grandma goodman. i sure enjoyed hearing grandmas testimony that she gave on sunday. i have such a wonderful family. i enjoy teaching people here about how families can be together forever. i love you all so very much!
things were pretty sweet this week. we baptised two peole on sat. hahaha i think i wrote you all about a couple months ago how i was in the water with this girl and she got all freaked out and in the end didnt get baptised and a bunch of stuff.....well she got baptized on sat! finally. he dad did it. and it took 3 times before she would go under the water. she wouldnt let him! all well it happened finally haha.
oh ya ha so after i finished my letter last week we went home and had to stay in the house because my companion was throwing up and stuff and so he went to bed really early. so i started to read the book of mormon and after an hour or so i took a break and started cleaning the house and stuff. well anyway i have this plastic thing that holds my bar of soap for the shower and i wanted to put wholes in it so that the water would leak out and stuff instead of just sit in there and ruin my bar of soap.......so i had my knife and..........i had the plastic thing in my hand and with my other hand i was drilling and it slipped and i stabbed myselft......hahahahha ya i know i am an idiot. it went in my hand like an inch and was bleeding all over the place. it was awesome! well my comp was way sick and couldnt get out of bed so i called a bunch or people and no one would answer for like 15 min! i thought i was going to die! i guess it wouldnt be so bad i would go straight to heaven i guess....but finally i got a hold of my zone leader and we went to the hospital. after and hour and a half they finally called my name. and on top of that they put two stitches in becuase it wasnt wide just deep( and the stitches fell out after 3 days) and they charged me 110 bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think it is because i have a rich gringo face and they took advantage of me. i dont know but it is retarded. the medical system in chile is soooooo good! if they charged me that much for 2 stitches im just glad i didnt cut off my hand! probably like 5000000092 dollars or something. but its chill i love chile still.
we have transfers this week and i have been asking my pres to let me stay here for another transfer and we are both staying! actually something really cool happened. Liliana ( the lady i always talk about) actually fasted that we would stay. its because we are finally getting in with her sons and are teaching them. man i love that family.
oh ya i hope you liked the pig pictures i sent! sorry if they were too graphic.....it was a crazy experience thats for sure. i know dad only put one up on my blog...which was a good shot of me showing the guts of the pig.
well i love you all so much. i hope things are going great for you all. things are great here. be good now and i will let you know whats up next week!
elder elder
Monday, August 9, 2010
Have fun at the Brimhall family reunion!
well i loved all of your letters a ton! i had 22. ya it was a lot and i read them all but i wont be able to reply to them all but i will try to include everything!
now i understand that my father is going to be reading this at the brimhall reunion. so dont worry i will try to make this as juicy as a can for you all. i miss you all and i will see you in the 2012 reunion and ill be with a babe of course dont worry.
well to start things off i need to get something off my chest......i broke a commandment. i killed something. i killed a giant pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a lady took a ton of pics for me and ill send them to ya. sorry if you dont like (dad you can take some out if you want.) man it was such a crazy experience. first we went and picked the one that we were gonna kill. dont worry tho, we taught him repentance and we also baptised him. well first of all we had to lift him up and this table thing and i had to pin him down and the beast was squirmin like crazy and screamin and all it was freakin awesome. well my bishop was the one that killed it but i was right there to see all of it. it was pretty sad to kill it but i got over it i guess. man that sounds bad....after we killed him (with a knife fast in the heart) we had to put him into this huge barrel filled with boiling water to be able to take off all the hair and crap(litteraly) the whole experience reminded me of something that uncle Bert would do with channing and seth. well after we got done pulling off all the hair we had to shave it with face shavers and all. after that we got to the fun part. we opened up the sucker. well before that we had to cut off his goods i guess you could say and then we opened him up. the bishop started and once he started the smell just spilled out and i about lost it. but after i got used to it. i took out all the guts and stuff and i opened up his rib cage and put in a little tea cup to take out all the blood. i was covered. well long story short the whole thing was awesome. tonight we are going to have a BBQ and family night with some people and guess what we are going to eat....yep cow.
chile is so awesome i love it here. my area is huge and we walk a ton. i asked for some bikes and my mission pres said no because they will get stolen....so i guess not. we are having a lot of baptisms here. the ward that i am in has a ton of really good people that are helpin us. right we kinda hit a stump of finding people that want to progress so we would really appreciate your prayers.
man i can just picture you all there right now sitting around all together. ill try to take advantage of this then. grandma goodman, man i miss be able to talk to you and hear your voice. i love you so much grandma. thank you so much for all you have done for me and for always buying me treats as a little kid. you have always been such a hard worker and i really noticed that from you. and all those sunday nights that we were able to go to your house and just chat. dont worry we´ll be doing that again after i finish with the brown people down here. i love you so much grandma. take care.
man i remember being at the ranch with all the cousins. we did so much stupid stuff. hahahaha i dont know if i should share this but all well. what happened was that we were being just us stupid kids and we decided it would be funny to pee in a yellow gatorade bottle. so we did it! well that wasnt enough for us. we opened it up a little so the cap was just barely on and we started throwing rocks at it just it would explode and stuff. well it wasnt workin so channing goodman went and got this huge rock i mean a big ol one and said "you need a professional!" well anyway when he threw it down it back fired on him. he got covered with all the contents that was inside the bottle. oh man it was so funny we left running for the shower. man i hope he is there listening to this. also i remember all the otter pops we ate. i remember that someone got baptised there. that would be pretty tight. the rope swing!!!!!!!!!!! man i hope it is still there. so many good things. but the best is the white fence at the entrance. it just brings all the memories back. i wont lie i cant remember my mom too much. it drives me crazy but being here in chile and being able to help these people has been able to help me. i love being here. i know that what i am doing changes lives. i have seen it with my own eyes and experiences. i am so grateful that i was born into the true church that jesus formed. i never really even noticed before how much confusing there is in the world. so many people are lost and are looking for the truth but just dont find it. thats why there are missionaries. thats why tanner, michael, amber and i are missionaries right now. our family is freakin huge and we have put a ton of missionaries out already and for you all that havent gone get out there. it is the number one best thing you will do.
i love you all so much. thank you all for your support and hope you enjoy your time together. take care and behave yourselves dangit.
Elder Elder
oh ya i forgot to say that i participated in this stake activity and sang a song from green day and bon jovi in front of everyone. hahha it was pretty freakin sweet. there was this live band and all. it was an activity for the people to sing and stuff they invited me.
now i understand that my father is going to be reading this at the brimhall reunion. so dont worry i will try to make this as juicy as a can for you all. i miss you all and i will see you in the 2012 reunion and ill be with a babe of course dont worry.
well to start things off i need to get something off my chest......i broke a commandment. i killed something. i killed a giant pig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a lady took a ton of pics for me and ill send them to ya. sorry if you dont like (dad you can take some out if you want.) man it was such a crazy experience. first we went and picked the one that we were gonna kill. dont worry tho, we taught him repentance and we also baptised him. well first of all we had to lift him up and this table thing and i had to pin him down and the beast was squirmin like crazy and screamin and all it was freakin awesome. well my bishop was the one that killed it but i was right there to see all of it. it was pretty sad to kill it but i got over it i guess. man that sounds bad....after we killed him (with a knife fast in the heart) we had to put him into this huge barrel filled with boiling water to be able to take off all the hair and crap(litteraly) the whole experience reminded me of something that uncle Bert would do with channing and seth. well after we got done pulling off all the hair we had to shave it with face shavers and all. after that we got to the fun part. we opened up the sucker. well before that we had to cut off his goods i guess you could say and then we opened him up. the bishop started and once he started the smell just spilled out and i about lost it. but after i got used to it. i took out all the guts and stuff and i opened up his rib cage and put in a little tea cup to take out all the blood. i was covered. well long story short the whole thing was awesome. tonight we are going to have a BBQ and family night with some people and guess what we are going to eat....yep cow.
chile is so awesome i love it here. my area is huge and we walk a ton. i asked for some bikes and my mission pres said no because they will get stolen....so i guess not. we are having a lot of baptisms here. the ward that i am in has a ton of really good people that are helpin us. right we kinda hit a stump of finding people that want to progress so we would really appreciate your prayers.
man i can just picture you all there right now sitting around all together. ill try to take advantage of this then. grandma goodman, man i miss be able to talk to you and hear your voice. i love you so much grandma. thank you so much for all you have done for me and for always buying me treats as a little kid. you have always been such a hard worker and i really noticed that from you. and all those sunday nights that we were able to go to your house and just chat. dont worry we´ll be doing that again after i finish with the brown people down here. i love you so much grandma. take care.
man i remember being at the ranch with all the cousins. we did so much stupid stuff. hahahaha i dont know if i should share this but all well. what happened was that we were being just us stupid kids and we decided it would be funny to pee in a yellow gatorade bottle. so we did it! well that wasnt enough for us. we opened it up a little so the cap was just barely on and we started throwing rocks at it just it would explode and stuff. well it wasnt workin so channing goodman went and got this huge rock i mean a big ol one and said "you need a professional!" well anyway when he threw it down it back fired on him. he got covered with all the contents that was inside the bottle. oh man it was so funny we left running for the shower. man i hope he is there listening to this. also i remember all the otter pops we ate. i remember that someone got baptised there. that would be pretty tight. the rope swing!!!!!!!!!!! man i hope it is still there. so many good things. but the best is the white fence at the entrance. it just brings all the memories back. i wont lie i cant remember my mom too much. it drives me crazy but being here in chile and being able to help these people has been able to help me. i love being here. i know that what i am doing changes lives. i have seen it with my own eyes and experiences. i am so grateful that i was born into the true church that jesus formed. i never really even noticed before how much confusing there is in the world. so many people are lost and are looking for the truth but just dont find it. thats why there are missionaries. thats why tanner, michael, amber and i are missionaries right now. our family is freakin huge and we have put a ton of missionaries out already and for you all that havent gone get out there. it is the number one best thing you will do.
i love you all so much. thank you all for your support and hope you enjoy your time together. take care and behave yourselves dangit.
Elder Elder
oh ya i forgot to say that i participated in this stake activity and sang a song from green day and bon jovi in front of everyone. hahha it was pretty freakin sweet. there was this live band and all. it was an activity for the people to sing and stuff they invited me.
Monday, August 2, 2010
dang what a great week i liked it a lot! i was with one of my friends in my mission for a couple days and we pretty much slayed satan in two. no im just kiddin that would be pretty sweet if we could litterally do it. ya we had some divisions like on tuesday and wed. and now today too! haha we are here in Los Angeles at the mall. it makes me so trunky here i hate it. so many cool things to buy and all kinds of stuff but all well. i bought this huge coat for 40 bucks that is normally like 120! i am so sick of being cold so i should be better now.
dang i loved kevins letter it made me laugh a ton. it sounds like you had a way good time at camp bro. i wanna see some pics if you can. and for real we got a knew tractor thing that does it all? man, i wish we bought that before i left...........................ya but its chill. after! hahaha
we only have a couple more weeks left in this transfer. man it has gone by so fast. oh ya! the other day the pres of my mission was here in angol for a singles activity for the stake and we saw him while we were walking in the street. well anyways we asked him if he and his wife wanted to teach a lesson with us and they said yes! we tuaght a lady who´s dad had reciently passed away about the plan of salvation. it was a way good lesson. and after him and his wife commented on how good i talked and that we taught with the spirit. after i told him i dont wanna leave this sector. hahha hopefully i dont. i really do love it here. it is so good. after the mission i am totally coming back. i think i might do a south american tour. who´s in?
well i love you all so much and i am glad you are all doing so great. keep praying and bahave your selves dangit.
Elder Elder the 4th
dang i loved kevins letter it made me laugh a ton. it sounds like you had a way good time at camp bro. i wanna see some pics if you can. and for real we got a knew tractor thing that does it all? man, i wish we bought that before i left...........................ya but its chill. after! hahaha
we only have a couple more weeks left in this transfer. man it has gone by so fast. oh ya! the other day the pres of my mission was here in angol for a singles activity for the stake and we saw him while we were walking in the street. well anyways we asked him if he and his wife wanted to teach a lesson with us and they said yes! we tuaght a lady who´s dad had reciently passed away about the plan of salvation. it was a way good lesson. and after him and his wife commented on how good i talked and that we taught with the spirit. after i told him i dont wanna leave this sector. hahha hopefully i dont. i really do love it here. it is so good. after the mission i am totally coming back. i think i might do a south american tour. who´s in?
well i love you all so much and i am glad you are all doing so great. keep praying and bahave your selves dangit.
Elder Elder the 4th
Monday, July 12, 2010
well whats up my fam and other people that are great! this week went by way good and very fast. i am with Elder Castillo from Lima Peru and this is his 2 transfer so i am finishing his training. he is a way cool kid we get along really well. he really is way funny actually. we´ll see what fun things we do on the pdays.
well like usual it is prety dang cold here but im geting used to it. this is a picture of me as i sleep. it's winter here and i get mighty cold at night...unless i sleep tight like this! kinda at least. hahahaha the other day we litterally walked like 20 miles. im not exagerating at all either. our sector is one of the biggest in the whole mission and we walked end to end. we did a lot of work that day. took a lot of good pictures too. at the end of the day we were walking to a members hows and we always walk through this dried out river but this time it had water to we had to cross over one of the tubes that carries sewage and stuff of that nature and my comp ended up fallin. i took a picture right after that ill send. well ill try to send this computer is being stupid.
there is a lot of work going on here and looking forward to summer. this week Liliana´s son is getting baptised so we´re way stoked for that. i am at her house a lot with them now. that family is like my family now i love it. she has two sons that are 17 and 19 that dont really listen to us but we´re workin with that. we´re gonna make some american food and peruvian food this week with them. food always makes people come and listen. that is the only way firesides work right?!
well i love you all a butt load. i hope you know that. have a great week and hope to here from you next week.
Elder Elder
well like usual it is prety dang cold here but im geting used to it. this is a picture of me as i sleep. it's winter here and i get mighty cold at night...unless i sleep tight like this! kinda at least. hahahaha the other day we litterally walked like 20 miles. im not exagerating at all either. our sector is one of the biggest in the whole mission and we walked end to end. we did a lot of work that day. took a lot of good pictures too. at the end of the day we were walking to a members hows and we always walk through this dried out river but this time it had water to we had to cross over one of the tubes that carries sewage and stuff of that nature and my comp ended up fallin. i took a picture right after that ill send. well ill try to send this computer is being stupid.
there is a lot of work going on here and looking forward to summer. this week Liliana´s son is getting baptised so we´re way stoked for that. i am at her house a lot with them now. that family is like my family now i love it. she has two sons that are 17 and 19 that dont really listen to us but we´re workin with that. we´re gonna make some american food and peruvian food this week with them. food always makes people come and listen. that is the only way firesides work right?!
well i love you all a butt load. i hope you know that. have a great week and hope to here from you next week.
Elder Elder
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
sounds like you are all having fun in california and the bundy reunion! i am having more fun here thought haha. i found some way awesome clothes from this D.I. kind of store. way cheap and freakin cool. one of the many reasons chile is sweet.
well today is transfer day and my comp is going to talkahuano where the earthquake hit the hardest and the tsunami also. he leaves tomorrow. holy cow i cant believe how fast this transfer has past. we were co copanions and now we will both be senor comp so it will be a fun change im excited. this past week end we baptized 3 more people! were going to have 4 baptims but one of the kids dad is in Rancagua Chile and couldnt be here so he is going to get baptised when he comes....but we dont know when that is now....but the lady i was telling you all about got baptised! and we will baptised her son this weekend or the next! and also we have 2 more people getting baptized. my skin is almost all pruny from so much water. ok no its not its just really white. completely lost my tan but eh who cares.
dad yesterday i also bore my testimony about eternal families! that is kinda cool we talked about the same thing. you in california in adam's ward, and me here in chile. hahaha so i read tanners email that he sent his family and dad forwarded to me about how he threatened to go buy a hamburger if the didnt get into a house with in the next 5 contacts. it reminded me there is this neighborhood we work in and i dont know why but it just kinda sucks. sorry. hahaha becuase whenever we go to visit these awesoem people all 3 families are never there! so i awesome tell my comp i deserve an alfajor. its like this amazing brownie thing full of heavenly delight. im pretty sure its like the celestial kingdom or somethings. my face fat tells me i shouldt eat it but i do. i like them lots and lots.
well i love you all so much i hope you have a great week and enjoy your summer! its already july jeeze! and i would like to quote a cousin of mine who is very wise. be happy and be mormon.
Elder Elder
well today is transfer day and my comp is going to talkahuano where the earthquake hit the hardest and the tsunami also. he leaves tomorrow. holy cow i cant believe how fast this transfer has past. we were co copanions and now we will both be senor comp so it will be a fun change im excited. this past week end we baptized 3 more people! were going to have 4 baptims but one of the kids dad is in Rancagua Chile and couldnt be here so he is going to get baptised when he comes....but we dont know when that is now....but the lady i was telling you all about got baptised! and we will baptised her son this weekend or the next! and also we have 2 more people getting baptized. my skin is almost all pruny from so much water. ok no its not its just really white. completely lost my tan but eh who cares.
dad yesterday i also bore my testimony about eternal families! that is kinda cool we talked about the same thing. you in california in adam's ward, and me here in chile. hahaha so i read tanners email that he sent his family and dad forwarded to me about how he threatened to go buy a hamburger if the didnt get into a house with in the next 5 contacts. it reminded me there is this neighborhood we work in and i dont know why but it just kinda sucks. sorry. hahaha becuase whenever we go to visit these awesoem people all 3 families are never there! so i awesome tell my comp i deserve an alfajor. its like this amazing brownie thing full of heavenly delight. im pretty sure its like the celestial kingdom or somethings. my face fat tells me i shouldt eat it but i do. i like them lots and lots.
well i love you all so much i hope you have a great week and enjoy your summer! its already july jeeze! and i would like to quote a cousin of mine who is very wise. be happy and be mormon.
Elder Elder
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sorry, My Father's Day letter didn't get sent!
dad happy fathers day!! i was thinkin about you yesterday a lot and hope you had a great day. i wish i could have called you but.............nope. in a few months i will. how did you day go? according the videos it looks like it went great. what did you get?
this week went by way freakin fast but it was really good. we didnt flood anything so we´re good. there is a lot of work going on here so its quite nice! we´re going to baptise a lady whose husband died 8 months ago. he was a ambulance driver and there was a crash in his ambulance and died instantly. it is really really sad but she is finding a lot of counsel in what we teach her. she is probably one of my favorite people here in chile. its really awesome giving her the hope of seeing her husband again. she has four boys from 2 years to 19 but the 2 oldest dont really listen too much but we´ll see. she has a baptismal date for the 3 of july. and we have 3 more baptismal dates so things are going really good. i reciently passed my 7 month mark which is wierd. the time is flying by i cant believe it.
right now i am visiting my old comp elder glover. we are having a pretty fun pday. i like pdays quite much. you guys that are about to leave will like them muchly as well i promise.
well it sounds like everyone is out of town and dad is chillin with the house and kickin back. dad we will do a lot of that after my mission. i like the sound of that. where did you get your new grill dad? was it a gift? and that is cool that joan has her own laptop now i bet that is really nice for her haha.
well take care family of mine. i love you all and hope that all is going great for you and enjoy the warmth. i miss it a ton. i wake up with head aches because its so cold here in the nights. but its chill the colder it is and the more it rains my wife gets hotter. so bring on the coldness dangit.
love me. (elder elder)
Here is this weeks letter!
well i logged on today and realized that the letter i wrote last week didnt send! sorry.
this week has gone by way fast. we are in the last week of the transfer and we got a lot of work going on here. 4 baptisms this week! the lady i wrote about that her husband passed away 8 months ago is getting baptised this sat!!!!!!!!! it was so awesome at church yesterday in a class she shared her feelings about how she felt about the church and said that after her husband had passed away she was looking for something more in her life but couldnt find it in her previous religion and that finally she has found it. it was really really cool. she is one of my favorite people here. we´re gonna give her a calling in the church right away and get her prepared for the temple! she is a great lady. her name is Liliana.
i went to this lake thing in the mountains to day for my p day and i am freakin tired but it was awesome. there were cliffs all over the place surrounding the lake and i wanted to cliff dive so bad.............but we cant. ill have to do it in like 3 years i guess when i come back after the mission with my wife! :)
my spanish has been really improving. im getting the rules and all that kinda stuff down so its pretty fun. i need to learn more verbs though i want to expand my vocabulary a ton. i love spanish tho it is awesome.
well i am doing really good here. i appreciate your support and love. i keep you in my prayers and hope that everything is awesoe for you guys. take care and i will hear from you next week. you better recieve this letter.
elder elder
this week went by way freakin fast but it was really good. we didnt flood anything so we´re good. there is a lot of work going on here so its quite nice! we´re going to baptise a lady whose husband died 8 months ago. he was a ambulance driver and there was a crash in his ambulance and died instantly. it is really really sad but she is finding a lot of counsel in what we teach her. she is probably one of my favorite people here in chile. its really awesome giving her the hope of seeing her husband again. she has four boys from 2 years to 19 but the 2 oldest dont really listen too much but we´ll see. she has a baptismal date for the 3 of july. and we have 3 more baptismal dates so things are going really good. i reciently passed my 7 month mark which is wierd. the time is flying by i cant believe it.
right now i am visiting my old comp elder glover. we are having a pretty fun pday. i like pdays quite much. you guys that are about to leave will like them muchly as well i promise.
well it sounds like everyone is out of town and dad is chillin with the house and kickin back. dad we will do a lot of that after my mission. i like the sound of that. where did you get your new grill dad? was it a gift? and that is cool that joan has her own laptop now i bet that is really nice for her haha.
well take care family of mine. i love you all and hope that all is going great for you and enjoy the warmth. i miss it a ton. i wake up with head aches because its so cold here in the nights. but its chill the colder it is and the more it rains my wife gets hotter. so bring on the coldness dangit.
love me. (elder elder)
Here is this weeks letter!
well i logged on today and realized that the letter i wrote last week didnt send! sorry.
this week has gone by way fast. we are in the last week of the transfer and we got a lot of work going on here. 4 baptisms this week! the lady i wrote about that her husband passed away 8 months ago is getting baptised this sat!!!!!!!!! it was so awesome at church yesterday in a class she shared her feelings about how she felt about the church and said that after her husband had passed away she was looking for something more in her life but couldnt find it in her previous religion and that finally she has found it. it was really really cool. she is one of my favorite people here. we´re gonna give her a calling in the church right away and get her prepared for the temple! she is a great lady. her name is Liliana.
i went to this lake thing in the mountains to day for my p day and i am freakin tired but it was awesome. there were cliffs all over the place surrounding the lake and i wanted to cliff dive so bad.............but we cant. ill have to do it in like 3 years i guess when i come back after the mission with my wife! :)
my spanish has been really improving. im getting the rules and all that kinda stuff down so its pretty fun. i need to learn more verbs though i want to expand my vocabulary a ton. i love spanish tho it is awesome.
well i am doing really good here. i appreciate your support and love. i keep you in my prayers and hope that everything is awesoe for you guys. take care and i will hear from you next week. you better recieve this letter.
elder elder
Monday, June 14, 2010
I baptized the baptismal font!
so how is everyone doing? sounds like katie enjoyed efy and kevin is riding his butt off on his bike. and everyone is getting married! jeeze that is so awesome. i cant believe talina is getting married. that is really good for her. and jonnie langford way to go! chelsea too!. there will be like a hundred more crying babies when i get home. that´ll be fun.
well it has started to rain like crazy here. you are all in the nice summer and i wear a complete rain suit with my umbrella getting soaked. its actually pretty funny i find myself just laughing for some reason walking down the street while it is pooring and we´re the only ones in the road. its awesome. but we have a lot of people that we are teaching and at least 4 really good possibles for baptism.
dad you asked if i really wanted you to send my longboard to me. i would absolutely love that here the hills are crazy but i couldn´t really use it. i would like a real sized american flag and some of my white and purple electric jacket when you do send a package. hahaha and money is always welcome if anyone is thinking of sending something........
well i love you all a lot i hope you are all doing great! i am having a way good time down here in chile. i liked seeing my plack too that is in the church.
well take care everyone
Elder Elder
Monday, June 7, 2010
3 Baptisms this next Saturday!
well whats up! Angol is freakin awesome just so you know. my comp and i are way excited we are having 3 baptisms this sat plus another little girl that is in our ward that turns 8. so ya i know its pretty sicky. me and my comp have been workin alot so i bought a little tool of some sort. i bought a guitar so it will be a good time. dont worry we´re allowed to have guitars here. i bought one thats kinda crappy but alright for like 60 bucks but it sounds pretty. i have to practice a song from bon jovi i forget which one it is right now but aparently i am going to sing it for all the brown people here at a stake activity. hahahaha ya. its gonna be fun.
right now im in temuco its more down in the south becuase my comp had to do some visa paper work and we are visiting some of his friends here. so i dont have a ton of time......i like you all though dont forget. i was actually walking around today and saw a big group of americans walkin around and i said hey whats up bro to this kid and he looked at me wierd because he wasn´t expecting to here that from no one here in chile. i stopped and talked to them for a while. they´re here for 6 months teaching spanish or somehting. but its cool, i asked them to get baptised and they said yes. so in two weekends. no i lie. that would be very cool though!
i love you all and hope that all is super good. take care and i will write better next week.
Elder Elder
right now im in temuco its more down in the south becuase my comp had to do some visa paper work and we are visiting some of his friends here. so i dont have a ton of time......i like you all though dont forget. i was actually walking around today and saw a big group of americans walkin around and i said hey whats up bro to this kid and he looked at me wierd because he wasn´t expecting to here that from no one here in chile. i stopped and talked to them for a while. they´re here for 6 months teaching spanish or somehting. but its cool, i asked them to get baptised and they said yes. so in two weekends. no i lie. that would be very cool though!
i love you all and hope that all is super good. take care and i will write better next week.
Elder Elder
Monday, May 31, 2010
I am in a new area! It's huge!
i am in Angol Chile now and it is freain huge. my sector here is litterally about 4 times bigger than cabrero. and the chapel is the biggest chapel i have ever seen. even in the states. it is ridiculously nice. im with a little tine columbian from bogota columbia. im pretty sure that the anderson family is from that city i might be wrong......but he is way funny. he´s 25 and about 5 feet tall and loves to dance hahaha its pretty sweet. well this passed week here we put 3 baptismal dates with our investigators! all of them are for the 12 so keep them in yours prayers so they go swimming that day please. much appreciation. also as well 3 of my investigators that i had in cabrero all got baptised yesterday. my old comp elder glover was actually able to go back lucky piece a poo. but tons of people are getting baptised! i already told you last week that we were going to have a baptism my last night in cabrero and it was so awesome. i ended up baptising her. we did a coin toss haha. actually me and glover were both in the water and after we took pictures together. we are working a ton here that is for sure. me and my comp both have the same amount of time in the mission. things are going great here this sector has a lot of potential. our goal for this transfer is 6 baptisms. yep! well have a great week and enjoy the warmth. i can see my breath all day. its cold. i dont like the cold. but all well loveyou all bye!
Elder Elder
Monday, May 24, 2010
cómo están todos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! estoy super super bien acá en chile! bautizando los cafecitos!
alright. well this week has been pretty sick week. pretty up and down and around or something like that. first of all saturday we got a call from our mission president about transfers. when he actaully calls you about the transfer it means 1. your in trouble and you did something stupid. or 2. you did good. haha we set his ring tone to like the emergency siren thingy so we would know it is him calling. ok anyway saturday morning we hear it and we told ourselves. crap. turns out that we are both leaving Cabrero. that hardly never happens when they take both missionaries out. the reason why is because we are both moving up. I am gonna be co-comp with columbiano that has a few more months than me and my comp is going to be a zone leader. its pretty bitter sweet because i figured i was gonna go i already knew that. but i thougth he was gonna be able to stay behind with all our investigators and take care of them and you know, baptise the heck out of them, litterally. but in the end it turned out great. we went and told Romina our pretty much best friend here and she started crying. but she decided she wanted to get baptised yesterday after church. so on saturday we had her interview and everything and everything was going great and saturday night she had to go to her cousins wedding and there her entire family was pretty much yelling at her to drink with them and saying come on come on bla bla bla. and she drank. so it was really crappy yesterday. i was gonna baptise her but now i cant. but in a way i am glad this happened because she realized even more how important it is to keep the commandments. so she will be baptised this weekend. we just wont be there. but i guess its ok. another thing that is way awesome is that there is this lady (with no teeth just so you know hahaha...) who always washes our clothes. she is a member who got baptised a year ago. and she has a daughter who has been talking to the missionaries all the time since. almost always went to church but just never felt that she should get baptised. she always felt pressured from the missionaries and that drove her away even more. anyways this passed 2 transfers we have been good friends with her and she even went and taugth with us they other day. which is something kinda unheard of. a non member going to teach about the church with the missionaries. ok long story short last night we were saying goodbye and she told us if i was going to get baptised i would do in my way. when i am ready and just do it. like tomorrow. so i asked her if she wanted to do it tomorrow and she sat there thinking for a second. and said yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so we have a baptism tonight at 9:00! and she told us that we both had to bring our baptism clothes and she will tell us there who she wants to baptise her. oh man last night was pretty crazy. when she told us we really started jumpin around and stuff and yellin. it was pretty freakin hilarious.
So that is how i am finishing here in Cabrero. i am going to miss here so much. and there is like 4 baptisms set up for next weekend. so the missionaries that come here are way lucky. my friend is actually coming here so i am content with that.
Kevin and katie both gave talks then huh! and you both did way good it sounds like. kevin a really enjoyed reading your talk it really was a way good talk. direct and powerful. i like it a lot. and katie did good with the nibley pagent that is really cool as welll. whats this about ashlee pulling someone back in the car and saving them and rainy´s family moving to pensalvania maybe!? it sounds like everything is giong great. here too. i love it here. it sucked way bad last night saying goodbye to everyone. but its part of the mission.
Ok well take care. i will tell you all about my new sector next monday.
love you
Elder Elder
alright. well this week has been pretty sick week. pretty up and down and around or something like that. first of all saturday we got a call from our mission president about transfers. when he actaully calls you about the transfer it means 1. your in trouble and you did something stupid. or 2. you did good. haha we set his ring tone to like the emergency siren thingy so we would know it is him calling. ok anyway saturday morning we hear it and we told ourselves. crap. turns out that we are both leaving Cabrero. that hardly never happens when they take both missionaries out. the reason why is because we are both moving up. I am gonna be co-comp with columbiano that has a few more months than me and my comp is going to be a zone leader. its pretty bitter sweet because i figured i was gonna go i already knew that. but i thougth he was gonna be able to stay behind with all our investigators and take care of them and you know, baptise the heck out of them, litterally. but in the end it turned out great. we went and told Romina our pretty much best friend here and she started crying. but she decided she wanted to get baptised yesterday after church. so on saturday we had her interview and everything and everything was going great and saturday night she had to go to her cousins wedding and there her entire family was pretty much yelling at her to drink with them and saying come on come on bla bla bla. and she drank. so it was really crappy yesterday. i was gonna baptise her but now i cant. but in a way i am glad this happened because she realized even more how important it is to keep the commandments. so she will be baptised this weekend. we just wont be there. but i guess its ok. another thing that is way awesome is that there is this lady (with no teeth just so you know hahaha...) who always washes our clothes. she is a member who got baptised a year ago. and she has a daughter who has been talking to the missionaries all the time since. almost always went to church but just never felt that she should get baptised. she always felt pressured from the missionaries and that drove her away even more. anyways this passed 2 transfers we have been good friends with her and she even went and taugth with us they other day. which is something kinda unheard of. a non member going to teach about the church with the missionaries. ok long story short last night we were saying goodbye and she told us if i was going to get baptised i would do in my way. when i am ready and just do it. like tomorrow. so i asked her if she wanted to do it tomorrow and she sat there thinking for a second. and said yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so we have a baptism tonight at 9:00! and she told us that we both had to bring our baptism clothes and she will tell us there who she wants to baptise her. oh man last night was pretty crazy. when she told us we really started jumpin around and stuff and yellin. it was pretty freakin hilarious.
So that is how i am finishing here in Cabrero. i am going to miss here so much. and there is like 4 baptisms set up for next weekend. so the missionaries that come here are way lucky. my friend is actually coming here so i am content with that.
Kevin and katie both gave talks then huh! and you both did way good it sounds like. kevin a really enjoyed reading your talk it really was a way good talk. direct and powerful. i like it a lot. and katie did good with the nibley pagent that is really cool as welll. whats this about ashlee pulling someone back in the car and saving them and rainy´s family moving to pensalvania maybe!? it sounds like everything is giong great. here too. i love it here. it sucked way bad last night saying goodbye to everyone. but its part of the mission.
Ok well take care. i will tell you all about my new sector next monday.
love you
Elder Elder
Monday, May 17, 2010
I am so happy!!!! The members really love me....
The members love me here in Chile!!!!
well this week went by soooooo fast! i cant believe it. the time is flying. tomorrow is my 6 month mark and i am going to burn a tie. yes. that is how cool missionaries are. we burn stuff for celebrations. but all well its cool!well this weekend was awesome but could have been better. we were going to baptise 2 but we´re going to have to do the other next weekend. we have 3 getting baptised my last weekend here in cabrero! i am going to send a picture of the boy we baptised. his name is victor. he is such a stud. hahaha he learns way good. it was pretty funny when we taught him the word of wisdom and the law of chastity because we didn´t want to be like too upfront with him so he got curious of the stuff because we didn´t know if he knew so with the law of chastity we told him that we dont look at girls until we´re married and when we get married we only look at our wife. haha it was actually pretty funny. he is only 9 so.....ya.
so this is my last week here in cabrero. im pretty bummed about that. i have lived here for 4 months. i dug graves here, lived through the earthquake, torn apart houses, and even built houses. but most of all i will miss the people. those of you that served missions know what that is like. well i am doing great here and it sounds like you are all doing really well as well. i hope you like the warm weather that i dont have.
oh hey dad thank you so much for the package i loved it so much. real candy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh man i was so excited for that. i think the thing i was most excited for though was the Crest toothpaste. because i hate the toothpaste here! and everyone knows that crest really is the best. my friend loved the soccer shirt you sent thank you again. everything you sent was perfect.
ok well take care everyone and i will talk you to next week!
Elder Elder
Victor on his baptism day!
FHE in Chile!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Nice Skyping with you on Mother's Day
well it was way awesome talking to you all yesterday! you all sound like you are doing great. sorry i couldn´t talk to everyone tho. we kinda have a butt load of people in our family. today i am at one of my friends house for a birthday party. we are having a huge bbq so its a way good time. chilenos know how to cook meat. i like it!
well things are going great we have 2 baptisms this week 2 next and about 3 posibles! so we are very excited. we have to do divisions with some of the members of the church here so we can visit all the people we need to. we are being very blessed. i hope all is well with all of you and i will have to write a better letter next week. i love you all.
Elder Elder
well things are going great we have 2 baptisms this week 2 next and about 3 posibles! so we are very excited. we have to do divisions with some of the members of the church here so we can visit all the people we need to. we are being very blessed. i hope all is well with all of you and i will have to write a better letter next week. i love you all.
Elder Elder
Monday, May 3, 2010
Hi family!
i want my package with american candy so freakin bad. i couldn´t go today to concepcion to the mission office because we had to go to a zone activety. all well i will get it soon. hopefully nothing gets spoiled!
well i will just tell you this week has been amazing. we have 6 people that will get baptised and 3 more that are way close! it has been nuts. i like it in large amounts! we have been teaching of ton of people and explaining the importance of baptism and how awesome it is. we found this one kid a few days ago named Victor. he is the only person in his family that hasn´t been baptised and is 9. so we are going to baptise him with 4 other people on the 15 and at least two more on the 22. i am very excited!
i am not going to lie it is getting pretty freakin cold here and i dont like it too much............i sleep like a white man in a eskimo suit. and a heavy sleeping bag. its pretty rad. i know you are all just so jealous and enjoying the ocean, pools and whatnot. but i get to baptise brown people so its cooler!
i am very excited to get to call this week! i will be calling during the week to corredanate (cant spell thanks to speaking spanish) when i will call on sunday. and yes dad i will use that email you gave me.
i really enjoyed your video this week. kevin looks like a stud and apparently he scored. that a kid bro you are so buff and ripped now! you can use my dumbells while im gone. i permite you. so dad you sent that big old truck thing to Jack in the mail? you wanna send me my longboard in your next package? im not joking.
the work here is going amazing and we are having a lot of succes. keep my people in your prayes so they go swimming in the baptism font and scrub their sins away!!! thanks.
it seems like things are going great down there for you guys. you all look great for real. well i will talk to you this sunday night! see ya later
.congradulations Adam and tracy! i am so stoked for you two! and i cant wait to see Gavin walk. becasue that is when i will see the kid is when he is a year and half years old. i am so happy for you two. love you adam, tracy, kaylin, and gavin!
Elder Elder
well i will just tell you this week has been amazing. we have 6 people that will get baptised and 3 more that are way close! it has been nuts. i like it in large amounts! we have been teaching of ton of people and explaining the importance of baptism and how awesome it is. we found this one kid a few days ago named Victor. he is the only person in his family that hasn´t been baptised and is 9. so we are going to baptise him with 4 other people on the 15 and at least two more on the 22. i am very excited!
i am not going to lie it is getting pretty freakin cold here and i dont like it too much............i sleep like a white man in a eskimo suit. and a heavy sleeping bag. its pretty rad. i know you are all just so jealous and enjoying the ocean, pools and whatnot. but i get to baptise brown people so its cooler!
i am very excited to get to call this week! i will be calling during the week to corredanate (cant spell thanks to speaking spanish) when i will call on sunday. and yes dad i will use that email you gave me.
i really enjoyed your video this week. kevin looks like a stud and apparently he scored. that a kid bro you are so buff and ripped now! you can use my dumbells while im gone. i permite you. so dad you sent that big old truck thing to Jack in the mail? you wanna send me my longboard in your next package? im not joking.
the work here is going amazing and we are having a lot of succes. keep my people in your prayes so they go swimming in the baptism font and scrub their sins away!!! thanks.
it seems like things are going great down there for you guys. you all look great for real. well i will talk to you this sunday night! see ya later
.congradulations Adam and tracy! i am so stoked for you two! and i cant wait to see Gavin walk. becasue that is when i will see the kid is when he is a year and half years old. i am so happy for you two. love you adam, tracy, kaylin, and gavin!
Elder Elder
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Experiences with my Investigators...it's awesome!
Keeping Warm and being funny!
well hello! things are going really good for me right now. i love the mission here . it is so good. but it is getting pretty cold. the houses here are seriously a joke. you know the houses that actually have insulation the insulation is freakin stire foam. ya. its pretty ridiculous and our house is freezing! i had a really great week so that is always good. we had 7 in church again as well, we made a list of almost 20 really good people who "said" they would go to church with us but when sunday morning came around and you were litterally shivering in you bed with two blankets and a very nice sleeping bag it becomes a little more difficult to go to church. it is so freakin cold i just like it a lot. i am lying it sucks. Me and my comp put our sleeping bags under our coat to be warm...see the picture? Sorry Tracy...wasn't trying to be like you!! :)So! short story, saturday night we made some greasy french fries with Romina a girl we are teaching and my 2 convert who are cousins. well actually there whole family was there but anyway when we left things were all good and sunday morning came around and we did the sunday morning wake up call and they didnt answer. turns out my 2 convert took Romina to a party and they got drunk and got home at 7:30 in the morning. we were quite pissed with them you could say. we went there to their house after lunch and chewed them out and screamed and yelled and punched them no im just kidding. but we did give them a really good talk and now they really understand good bye keeping this commandment will actually help them. oh ya and Romina is getting baptised now. May 15. she never would accept a baptismal date before but now yes!
we also are teaching a lady in a wheel chair who wants to get baptised. so that will be very interesting dunking her! we also found out that there is a cousin of a member family that wants to get baptised so..........................its pretty sweet! we didn´t have to do anything with her!
me and my comp are doing great together we have a lot of good times. i also did a little switcharew for a day and worked in los angeles with a elder from argentina. the kid is way cool and i learned a ton from him. and i was very nice talking all day in spanish.....me and elder glover need to work on that. my spanish is getting lots better but we need to talk to eachother in spanish as well.
well i hope that all is well. sounds like kevin is the next Lionel Messi. dad says Kev's getting pretty good at soccer. i can't wait to see you play Kev! oh ya and aparently tracy is about ready to pop! awesome i wanna see number.............shoot i dont know how many nieces and nephews i have. ill count when i get back home. my comp has 34. they are 10 kids from the same parents. thats a little.
i love you all just a whole lot. enjoy the warmth. ill keep freezing my buns off and baptising. well! see ya later!
Elder Elder
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Little slow this week...but next week will rock!
whats up!! this week has been a little poopier than my liking but next week will freakin rock! im getting really close with the people i am working with, we´re having a lot of good lessons with them. sunday morning we went to the our peoples house to walk to the church with them and everyone bailed except one. we were hoping for 10. but we ended up having 3 people with us in the church and we had a great time. me and my comp teach the class after sacrament meeting and we have so much fun i love it. of course its spiritual too duh who do you think i am? but...........our branch has this weird disease where there the people are boring at times so we do our best to fix that. i enjoy.
man i reallly enjoyed all of your letters thank you so much. i got a ton of letters which took a long time to read but i really liked it. i will do my best to reply but just know i like you all a lot!!! ok i love you all.
the work is going great here and we will have some baptisms happening in a week or two so i am very excited! we found this girl the other day who is actually pretty catholic and we are talking to her and she is very interested so we shall see with this one. our other investigator is doing great with not drinking and smoking and doin that stuff but lives in concepcion through the week now with kinda sucks but im gonna dunk her.
thank you all very much for you support and love and i hope you all have a great week. keep it real.
elder elder
man i reallly enjoyed all of your letters thank you so much. i got a ton of letters which took a long time to read but i really liked it. i will do my best to reply but just know i like you all a lot!!! ok i love you all.
the work is going great here and we will have some baptisms happening in a week or two so i am very excited! we found this girl the other day who is actually pretty catholic and we are talking to her and she is very interested so we shall see with this one. our other investigator is doing great with not drinking and smoking and doin that stuff but lives in concepcion through the week now with kinda sucks but im gonna dunk her.
thank you all very much for you support and love and i hope you all have a great week. keep it real.
elder elder
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Guess what???!!! I am not getting transferred!!! Also, see my pictures below!
Hi family and friends! i am so excited to tell you that me and my companion are not getting transferred and we get to stay together for awhile!!! so this week has been great for me! i baptized a really old lady!! she is awesome her name is mirta. she is really one of my favorite people here. she reminds me so much of grandma goodman so that is kinda special for me. well she doesn´t remind of her becuase she is with more age but because she is way funny and acts like her. (sorry grandma) ill put some pictures up of a lot of stuff.
i want everyone to know that you can email me! my address is austin.elder@myldsmail.net. i love getting emails every monday. but i dont hear from some of you that i know will write me if you knew i can receive emails. i respond to dad and then forwards them on to you. if you snail mail your letter it can take 4 or 5 weeks. but every monday, i get to go to the internet cafe and sit in this nice confortable chair and write emails and respond to those who wrote. so, send me an update from for your family!
im not going to lie i love the videos dad sends me. they are so cool. RJ where the heck did your teeth go? oh ya and Kevin, you are a freakin liar. i totally believed you when you told me you broke your arm hahaha so you got me. i loved seein all you in the video but i think the part i liked most was seeing my little nieces and nephews. man i miss the poo out of you little guys! you all draw so good!! emily, i like your lighter colors too. it makes the picture look so much better i agree. all of you little kids are so awesome i cant wait to see you again!
me and my companion are doing great together. we have a lot of really great investigators. we are killing the cigarett companies here one by one. we are workin with this girl that is 23 named Romina who smokes like three a day but hasn´t smoked for 6 days! and has gone to church with us 3 times. one of the requirements for baptism in my mission is a minimum of 3 times going to church. to show they are serious about getting baptised and will stay active. so we´re still working with her and she will be baptised really soon!
Also we are working with a inactive lady who is way cool and has two daughters who have never been baptised. BANK!!! this lady loves us so much i like it quite much i must say. i really can say we are helping saving her life. she smokes 80 cigaretts. not for the month. but the freakin week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we did the math, if she sleeps 8 hours she is smoking a cig every 12 minutes. i was talking to her a ton the other night, i told her look im going to say this not only as a missionary but as a friend who cares very much about you. you are going to die if you keep this up, and soon. she just put her head down and said she knows it but she feels so trapped. i gave her a bunch of really good scriptures about hope, faith and encouragement to kinda get her stoked i guess you could say and then we made a big old paper with a weekly smoking allowing chart. hahaha it was pretty cool. her goal is to be smoke free by may 8. so we´re gonna work our buns off with her. to start this week she decided to drop from 80 to only 20 a day this week. and next week is 10, then 5, then 1, and then none!!!!!!!!! so keep that in your prayers if you can. her name is Judit Lara. OH YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and somethings way way awesome is that her brother is a pilot for the chilean airlines and she told me that she can hook me up anytime i want as many times as i want with tickets! anywhere in the world too!!!!!!!!!! a round trip to chile is about 1000 bucks for one person and she can get me tickets for only 200!!!!!!!!!!! so there you go dad. she said she can get tickets for you as welll!!!! isn´t that freakin cool? now you and joan can for sure come and pick me up after my mission!!! wink wink!!! :)
thank you all so much for your prayers and support it helps a lot knowing that i have a fam and friends that care about me!!!!! have a great week and good luck with your talks Chris and Dasha!! take care everyone.
Enjoy my pictures!!! Here they are!
Elder Elder
i want everyone to know that you can email me! my address is austin.elder@myldsmail.net. i love getting emails every monday. but i dont hear from some of you that i know will write me if you knew i can receive emails. i respond to dad and then forwards them on to you. if you snail mail your letter it can take 4 or 5 weeks. but every monday, i get to go to the internet cafe and sit in this nice confortable chair and write emails and respond to those who wrote. so, send me an update from for your family!
im not going to lie i love the videos dad sends me. they are so cool. RJ where the heck did your teeth go? oh ya and Kevin, you are a freakin liar. i totally believed you when you told me you broke your arm hahaha so you got me. i loved seein all you in the video but i think the part i liked most was seeing my little nieces and nephews. man i miss the poo out of you little guys! you all draw so good!! emily, i like your lighter colors too. it makes the picture look so much better i agree. all of you little kids are so awesome i cant wait to see you again!
me and my companion are doing great together. we have a lot of really great investigators. we are killing the cigarett companies here one by one. we are workin with this girl that is 23 named Romina who smokes like three a day but hasn´t smoked for 6 days! and has gone to church with us 3 times. one of the requirements for baptism in my mission is a minimum of 3 times going to church. to show they are serious about getting baptised and will stay active. so we´re still working with her and she will be baptised really soon!
Also we are working with a inactive lady who is way cool and has two daughters who have never been baptised. BANK!!! this lady loves us so much i like it quite much i must say. i really can say we are helping saving her life. she smokes 80 cigaretts. not for the month. but the freakin week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we did the math, if she sleeps 8 hours she is smoking a cig every 12 minutes. i was talking to her a ton the other night, i told her look im going to say this not only as a missionary but as a friend who cares very much about you. you are going to die if you keep this up, and soon. she just put her head down and said she knows it but she feels so trapped. i gave her a bunch of really good scriptures about hope, faith and encouragement to kinda get her stoked i guess you could say and then we made a big old paper with a weekly smoking allowing chart. hahaha it was pretty cool. her goal is to be smoke free by may 8. so we´re gonna work our buns off with her. to start this week she decided to drop from 80 to only 20 a day this week. and next week is 10, then 5, then 1, and then none!!!!!!!!! so keep that in your prayers if you can. her name is Judit Lara. OH YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and somethings way way awesome is that her brother is a pilot for the chilean airlines and she told me that she can hook me up anytime i want as many times as i want with tickets! anywhere in the world too!!!!!!!!!! a round trip to chile is about 1000 bucks for one person and she can get me tickets for only 200!!!!!!!!!!! so there you go dad. she said she can get tickets for you as welll!!!! isn´t that freakin cool? now you and joan can for sure come and pick me up after my mission!!! wink wink!!! :)
thank you all so much for your prayers and support it helps a lot knowing that i have a fam and friends that care about me!!!!! have a great week and good luck with your talks Chris and Dasha!! take care everyone.
Enjoy my pictures!!! Here they are!
Elder Elder
My mission car! Only cost me five bucks!
Mirta and i after her baptism
our investigator Romina who is mirta´s niece and us
and that cement that shot up is from the earthquake. the earth moved so much it shoved it straight up like that.
me drinking chilian water! :)
lots of people in white!
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