Dad thanks so much for sending the brimhall reunion video of all my family saying Hi to me. it was so awesome to see everyone and hear them say hi. glad to meet heaths girlfriend. they look very happy. glad to see all my cousins, aunts, uncles, and especially grandma goodman. i sure enjoyed hearing grandmas testimony that she gave on sunday. i have such a wonderful family. i enjoy teaching people here about how families can be together forever. i love you all so very much!
things were pretty sweet this week. we baptised two peole on sat. hahaha i think i wrote you all about a couple months ago how i was in the water with this girl and she got all freaked out and in the end didnt get baptised and a bunch of stuff.....well she got baptized on sat! finally. he dad did it. and it took 3 times before she would go under the water. she wouldnt let him! all well it happened finally haha.
oh ya ha so after i finished my letter last week we went home and had to stay in the house because my companion was throwing up and stuff and so he went to bed really early. so i started to read the book of mormon and after an hour or so i took a break and started cleaning the house and stuff. well anyway i have this plastic thing that holds my bar of soap for the shower and i wanted to put wholes in it so that the water would leak out and stuff instead of just sit in there and ruin my bar of i had my knife and..........i had the plastic thing in my hand and with my other hand i was drilling and it slipped and i stabbed myselft......hahahahha ya i know i am an idiot. it went in my hand like an inch and was bleeding all over the place. it was awesome! well my comp was way sick and couldnt get out of bed so i called a bunch or people and no one would answer for like 15 min! i thought i was going to die! i guess it wouldnt be so bad i would go straight to heaven i guess....but finally i got a hold of my zone leader and we went to the hospital. after and hour and a half they finally called my name. and on top of that they put two stitches in becuase it wasnt wide just deep( and the stitches fell out after 3 days) and they charged me 110 bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think it is because i have a rich gringo face and they took advantage of me. i dont know but it is retarded. the medical system in chile is soooooo good! if they charged me that much for 2 stitches im just glad i didnt cut off my hand! probably like 5000000092 dollars or something. but its chill i love chile still.
we have transfers this week and i have been asking my pres to let me stay here for another transfer and we are both staying! actually something really cool happened. Liliana ( the lady i always talk about) actually fasted that we would stay. its because we are finally getting in with her sons and are teaching them. man i love that family.
oh ya i hope you liked the pig pictures i sent! sorry if they were too was a crazy experience thats for sure. i know dad only put one up on my blog...which was a good shot of me showing the guts of the pig.
well i love you all so much. i hope things are going great for you all. things are great here. be good now and i will let you know whats up next week!
elder elder
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