Well this weekend was a very different weekend that I have had on my mission. The week went great on friday and saturday we visited a ton of people and got them excited to go to church, I really thought we were goign to have more than 40 but we didnt. Next week. Anyways the crazy part was right before church. Church starts at 10:00 and about 9:50ish our investigator and her mom that is the new Relief Society Pres were walking in the church and all of a sudden the daughter trips on this rubber foot cleaner thing and falls litteraly on her face right on the curb. She got knocked out on impact and was bleeding. I was inside preparing the sacrament meeting and i hear everyone shouting call an ambulance! I run out side and i see her laying on her face on the ground. I froze for a second when i saw her because i was so stunded but someone called an ambulance and i ran to my bag to get the oil to give her a blessing. I did the first part and my comp did the second part. His spanish isn´t the best but getting a lot better but in the circumstance i had to remind him the words of what he had to say during the blessing. Well after a few minutes the ambulance showed up. We hadnt moved her because we didnt want to hurt her more. I thougth she had hit her forhead or temple. It seriously hurt me to see her like that just unconcious. After she left we had to start the meeting. We started about 10:25 or so. My comp and I kinda shuffled everyone inside and i did a special prayer for her then we started the meeting. Right after the meeting ended we made sure the classes were going then me and my comp ran to the doctors office to see her. She was really disorientated but now concious. They brought her to a hospital in a newbye town called Traigen. In the afternoon my comp and I went to visit her and we were there with her and her family. Her sisters are kinda against the church so i really think it helped them. We gave her another blessing in the hospital(i seem to do a lot of hospital visits here in chile) and shared a scripture from D&C 121 7-11 and applied it to her. She was crying and we talked that she still had had a miracle that day. She fell on her chin and not her nose or her temple. She did chip a tooth but they are going to be able to fix most of it. There will be scar tho. I feel really bad for her. She is only 20 years old. It was a really good visit and them we left. The next bus leaving the town left and hour later so we started walking home.(a 35 min drive) hahahaha we walked for a long time and then finally someone picked us up. We got their address too of the people drove us and we are going to send the missionaries to their house. We´ll see what happens.
But that was my weekend.
We only had 26 people in church and 3 investigators but it was still pretty good. Still a lot of work to do tho.
Today we went as a zone to this one lake to go rock climbing. The cool part is that we went with my convert and his wife and kids in their 1980 RV!!!!!!! It is so old school but so awesome. hahaha man it was a great time. We had the guitars and we playing on the cliffs. We had a BBQ and just relaxed. It was a really good Pday. Its scary realizing how more mondays I have left.
This weekend we have 2 baptisms! We were going to maybe have 3 but the girl that fell now cant, not for a little while longer. It is a 13 boy that is the future Thomas S Monson. He really is so smart and is so excited for everything. All her wants is the priesthood and to go on the mission. His mom is now quiting smoking and getting reactivated. And the other is a 40 year oldish lady and her son that is a member is going to baptise her. I am really so excited!!!
That is really awesome about Elder Bednar! That is something i am actually really excited for. Seeing all the top guys more often. And you all of course.
Things are going really good down here. Its getting warmer too!!!!! This week we were riding in our new bikes that the mission gave us and we rode in our white shirts. It was very very nice. Well have a great week.
Elder Elder
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