This is my last week with my companion Elder Searle. He is a really good kid i like him a lot. He is going to USU too so that´ll be good. As a branch we had to take busses the all the sessions. I love how loyal the members are here. We were crammed into stuffy disgusting busses and they were all just really happy. we took some funny pics going to the stake center. Our deacons are studs here too. we have 3 now and one is our new convert. We are teaching them well their duties as deacons how they need to assist the branch president so we asked them to go to all the members houses on bikes and tell them about a branch fireside we did. They took off right away and flew around all over town for about 2 hours. They are such good kids. The temple trip is this week too. My comp and I arent actually going to be able to go because there is a rule that missionaries from our missoin cant go. We had been told we could but now we cant. A small group from the branch is going tho! The deacons come from very poor families so they asked the stake pres if they could do some odd jobs for the church to make money because they wanted to go to the temple. Afther General Conference the stake pres pulled me into his office and told me how touched he was by them that he is going to pay all their bus fare. We are going to have them clean up the church so they feel like they did something. We also had them clean up our yard area at our house this past week to make some money. I love these kids. There names are Sebastian and Julio(July) they are the kids in the picture with my comp on the bus.
I hope all is well with you all back home and i am greatful for all your letters. You dont have to worry tho, just because i am almost done doenst mean im dead. I am still working hard, haha everyone is telling me to finish good. hahahahhah now i feel dumb because i told that to Ashlee and she told me what i am now writing haha sorry Ash. Dont worry. I will finish good and hard.
Love you so much.
Elder Elder
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